Monday, September 15, 2008

my apartment

I've been having a very good day so far, thanks to the following:

Finding 85% chocolate at the Dollar Store

Running into some people I knew, having pleasant small-talk

A really good swim in the morning

Interesting readings for US Foreign Policy

Also, I figured that since it's been awhile since I updated, I might as well show you where I am living:

The study area, located in the living room. It also happens to be by far the biggest room in the entire apartment. I love it.

That circular window is connected to my roommate's bedroom.

That is a working fireplace! And note the dollar store dinosaurs...

My roommate's interesting selection.

We took off the old cabinet mirror and replaced it with a mirror from Ikea. My roommate painted the mirror blue and the area around it pink, and I painted the little people. Don't ask how we got this idea.

Don't worry, no one can actually see through that little window. Especially in the winter (it will probably be completely obscured by snow).

Kitchen...with very little counter space and the smallest sink I have ever used in my entire life. :(

The view of my room from my door. It is very, very small.

My mirror.

My window. Excuse the hideous curtains; I am replacing them soon (i.e. when I have time, which may be a long while yet).

My bed. Still using the same bedsheets from first year.

And that concludes my exciting tour. Anyone living in the Montreal area is welcome to come over at wintertime to cook marshmellows over my fireplace.


Anonymous said...

hey beth... remember this?

kerfuffler said...

Oh my god, I love you.

This made my day.