Monday, July 14, 2008

starbucks romance

You know what's such a cliché these days? Meeting someone at Starbucks.

I was sitting with my laptop today, trying to get some work done for my United Nations committee (now 13 days overdue) when I noticed a pretty, petite girl with dark hair and a really cute guy stealing looks at each other. This was made all the more obvious by the fact that the girl had her laptop out and open, but was obviously not working on fact, she kept turning her head to look at the guy, who was sitting behind her to the right. This arrangement made it so that whenever she glanced at him it was super obvious and screamed, "Hey cutie! I'm checking you out!" But it was so cute because she was trying to be discreet about it, and the guy kept glancing up from his book (which he was obviously not reading) to look at her too, and a few times they caught each other doing it and hastily returned to their barely-contained longing to exchange numbers.

So this whole scenario was pretty much unfolding before my eyes like a saccharine made-for-corporate-headquarters television special, and I must admit that I was totally sucked into it. I couldn't resist smiling and stealing looks at them, stealing looks at each other. If I filmed them, it'd make a damn good commercial for Starbucks.

As for me, I am resigned to my lifelong romance with coffee, wherever it can be found. I've already decided that the wedding will involve dancing goats and David Sedaris. You're all invited, of course.


Johnson said...

"If I filmed them, it'd make a damn good commercial for Starbucks."

Call me cynical, but I wouldn't be surprised if the entire scenario was part of a viral marketing scheme.

Come to think of it, it's quite genius.

Beth said...

Oh my god, perhaps you're right.

I mean, they're even invading our TV news now.

Low said...

i'm going to save this because I think its' cute. hope you don't mind!